Saturday, December 13, 2008

Walther's Law and Gospel

C.F.W. Walther's classic The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel is now available online. Walther was one of the founding pastors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, was the synod's first president, as well as first president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Law and Gospel consists of a series of lectures Walther gave to his seminary students on Friday nights. As dull as that might sound to some of you, don't write it off. (I mean, what seminarian in his right mind would want to sit and listen to a lecture on Friday night, right?) There's some rich stuff here. Law and Gospel is not only about learning how to apply these two great doctrines of the Bible. It also offers comfort to tormented souls who wonder about their own salvation. It's full of great Luther quotes and anecdotes from Walther's own life as he himself struggled with his own doubts when under the influence of pietism in Germany.

Click here to read Law and Gospel at the website.

Click here to order a copy of a more recent edition from Concordia Publishing House.

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