Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February Book-of-the-Month

February's Book-of-the-Month offering at Messiah is "Don't Tell Me That!" Here's the description from the publisher, Lutheran Press:
Martin Luther’s Antinomian Theses recast for the modern reader! Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation in 1517 by asserting that "When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, said 'Repent,' (Mark 1:15) He meant that the whole life of the believer should be one of repentance." Twenty years later he discovered that questions concerning this assertion were still being asked: What is repentance? How can the "whole life of the believer" be spent repenting? Is not the Christian, redeemed by Christ, to live a life of joy, free from the guilt created when sin is exposed by the Law of God? Luther's answers to these questions will help today’s Christian to gain greater insight into basic Christian living.
To order, sign up on the sheet in the entryway or call the church office to reserve a copy. If you wish to order on your own, then click here to order online with Lutheran Press.

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