Monday, February 23, 2009

This time I mean it

A few days ago, I announced that my trip to China was just around the corner. Therefore, my blogging here was supposed to slow down. That didn't happen over the last few days, did it? This is a hard habit to break, and lately I've felt the need to have a post per day, plus any extra things that I run across in my RSS feeds.

But I need to get serious now in preparation for the trip. Our son who is waiting for us has a cleft palate, so I need to do some reading about cleft palate issues. I also need to re-read the documentation our adoption agency sent us. There is more paperwork to fill out. There are several more books to read about attaching issues and adopting toddlers. There are adoption blogs to read, in particular the ones by families who have adopted children from the same orphanage as our son's. My wife has been much more diligent in reading all these things, and she has a list of blogs saved in her favorites list that I need to check out.

Oh, and did I mention that Lent starts this Wednesday? Thankfully, I already have men lined to up to fill in for me when I'm gone, but I need to get on the stick and get the services planned in advance for the days I'll be gone.

So, I guess my Lenten discipline will be disciplining myself to cut back on the blogging and to cut back on all the other blog reading I do online. The only items I'll be posting here are my sermons (unless I run across something that I absolutely must post). But the blogging won't stop altogether, since I'll be chronicling our journey over at Check it out if you are so inclined.

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