Saturday, August 8, 2009

Confirmation Banner Project

Second-year students: Using your confirmation verse which you have selected, design a banner to hang in the sanctuary on the day of your confirmation, then afterwards at home to remind you of your confirmation day. Begin thinking of ideas, make some sketches, bring them in to pastor in early August and we’ll discuss them.


  • 18” wide by 24 “ tall


  • Use felt or other suitable materials

  • Contact Mrs. Susan Lang if you need help with how to construct the banner

Subject Matter

  • Bible Verse: If your verse is short, you may choose to put the whole verse on the banner along with the reference (that is, where it is found in the Bible). If it is long, use a portion of the verse.

  • Picture: Design an image to go on your banner. You may wish to design it yourself, or if you need some help, you can get some ideas from books or websites about Christian symbols. In the sidebar at the right, there is a link to a site called Christian Symbols. You will find it at the right by scrolling down to the section titled “Other Resources.” There are also books in the church library which you may borrow.

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