Thursday, August 6, 2009

News from Haiti

Here is Pastor Wiseman's latest email (August 4) about the goings-on at the orphanage in Ouanaminthe, Haiti.

I received a call today from Rev. Daniel Paul and Emily Bartelheimer today. They both were doing well as are all in their care--Praise God!
Rev. Paul is able to rent garden that is very close to the orphanage. This is the fourth garden spot that they are working--it is good to see the orphanage teaching a strong work ethic and being industrious. This plot is about 150' by 160'. The plan in to have it planted with plantains using their own seed. Plantains are nutritious (good for all at the facility) and if there is an ample crop they can be sold (good for all at the facility).
Emily has been working diligently on speaking Creole. She is modestly confident as she talks with the children; however, still reserved when it comes to speaking Creole to adults. May she continue to pursue this discipline.
Emily started the call with saying she was "doing really well". I asked when she is scheduled to return to the USA. She expressed--"it is only three shorts weeks (August 20)-I would like to stay longer." This is a wonderful report since she is the first missionary to be with NEHLM for an extended period.
The Lord be with you,
Rev. Sam Wiseman

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