Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Let’s Help Brandon Attend Christ Academy

Brandon Austin is a high school senior and member of our congregation who has expressed an interest in becoming a pastor one day. At our last church council meeting, it was approved to set up a special fund to help send Brandon to Christ Academy-High School at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. This is a two week “retreat” of sorts that provides an opportunity for young men to experience campus life at the seminary and get a picture of what preparation for the Holy Ministry entails.

Here’s a bit more from CTS’s website:

Christ Academy students simulate the life of a seminarian as they worship, learn and have fellowship with the wider community of Concordia Theological Seminary. In so doing these young men grow to understand the process of becoming a pastor, and through meditation and prayer, they begin to contemplate whether the Holy Ministry is a vocation which they might want to pursue one day.
Christ Academy – High School Provides:
Theology – As regular seminary professors teach, these youth grow in the knowledge of their faith and begin to think critically and theologically as they go home better-equipped to engage the world around them.
Direction Christ Academy-High School teaches what preparation for the Holy Ministry within the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod entails, and offers young men time to consider this holy and blessed vocation for themselves.
EnvironmentChrist Academy-High School fosters an environment of Lutheran culture and piety through study of God’s Word, active participation in the liturgy, music and song of worship, and godly fellowship.

Tuition, room, board, and activity fees for Christ Academy-High School are $500. This, of course, does not cover travel expenses, which I would hope we could raise also. Please prayerfully consider helping to encourage Brandon in his consideration of serving the Lord as a pastor one day. And remember, even if the Lord leads him into a different vocation, this experience will still be an invaluable one in his spiritual life and walk of faith with his Savior Jesus.

One more thing: CTS also offers two other programs for college-age men and young women who are considering the vocation of deaconess. Check out the CTS website for more information.

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