Wednesday, February 18, 2009

China Bound

Yesterday morning we got the news that we have a consulate appointment in Guangzhou, China on March 30 for the adoption of our second child. That means I'll be heading out 4 weeks from today (March 18) and will be returning April 2. So now, we go into high gear, getting ready to depart. There is still some more paperwork to fill out, packing to do, and information to read. I imagine I'll be slowing down my blogging here, but you can read about our adoption process over at I plan to blog during the trip as much as possible at that address, too.

I'm excited, but anxious, too. I know the Lord has us in his hands. But, come on, now...we're adding a two and a half year old boy to our family which already has a feisty little three and a half year old!

One good thing this time around...I'm not leaving for China on Maundy Thursday as we did when we went to receive our daughter. I had to scramble to find pastors to fill in for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, and the two Sundays following Easter. I was a nervous wreck.


Becky said...

Congratulations! That is way cool. Praying for your growing family as you all get adjusted to each other.

Anonymous said...

Wow! How exciting! Congratulations and I thank God He has blessed you and your family with another little gift.