Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Guide to Church Shopping.

I had a conversation the other day with someone who was looking for a new church. Even his three-year old son, when asked how he enjoyed Sunday School, replied, "I miss our old church where we used to hear about Jesus." Huge red flag, right?

We didn't have much time to go into specifics about what to look for, so I recommended he check out an article I read online some years ago by Pastor Bill Cwirla. It's entitled "A Guide to Church Shopping." Check it out at the link below...

P.S. To members of Messiah, Marysville...I hope that this doesn't get you to thinking about shopping around. ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must listen to too much God Whisperers, 'cause I could hear Pr. Cwirla's voice speaking that article... :-D