“Endure to the End” (Mark
As we approach the end of another Church Year, it’s time to
contemplate the end of all things. A new
Church Year begins with the season of Advent the first Sunday in December. The theme of the Second Coming of Christ on
the Last Day will continue even as we consider the First Coming of Christ in
the womb of the Virgin.
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus foretells the end of the
temple in Jerusalem. But first, as he
and his disciples are walking out of the temple, one of the disciples makes a
comment: “Teacher! Look! What
stones! What buildings!” I wonder if this was what you might call a “No
duh” moment. It would be like standing
at the base of Mount Rainier and saying, “Hey!
Look! A big mountain!” No duh.
But those stones were indeed big. The historian Josephus records that some of
the largest were fifty feet long, twenty-four feet broad, and sixteen feet thick. White limestone and gilded gold caused the
temple to gleam brightly in the sunlight.
It was a place of Jewish pride, a reminder of God’s relationship with
the people of Israel … even though it was an Idumean king – Herod the Great – who
had brought this version of the temple to its present glory.
Jesus says, “Do you see these large buildings? Not one stone will be left on top of another. Each one will be torn down.” And if you were to go to Jerusalem today … or
travel there on Google Earth as I have done … you would see that there is no
more temple. It was leveled by the
Romans in 70 AD. At the southwest corner
of the temple mount, you can still see piles of huge stones that were thrown
down. And where the temple once stood,
there now stands a Muslim mosque, the iconic Dome of the Rock.
Consider the demise of this once great edifice. Compare this to things we think will last. Walk through Manhattan or any big city and
marvel at the skyscrapers towering overhead.
Yet who would have ever thought that those magnificent buildings, the
Twin Towers, could be brought down? Consider
other buildings and institutions and empires that have come and gone over the centuries. Nothing lasts forever.
Even now we worry about the future of our nation. There was much anxiety and hand-wringing before
our last election. Now there are fears
of falling over the fiscal cliff. I’m
still not exactly sure what that means, but it certainly doesn’t sound good! And there is tumult in the Middle East (what
else is new?) that threatens to spread.
The end is coming. We
should know this. We should expect
it. We should be ready for it. Not because of anything the Mayans predicted. Not because of what various prognosticators
have prognosticated. Rather, because of
what Daniel and other prophets prophesied.
Because of what the Lord Jesus prophesied. The flattening of the temple and the city of Jerusalem
was a foretaste of the end of time and God’s final judgment over sin and
rebellion against him.
Jesus and the disciples walked across the valley to the east
and sat down on the Mount of Olives. As
they sat there, the temple rose on the plateau on the other side of the
valley. Peter, James, John, and Andrew
asked him a question. They wanted to
know when the end would be and what sign to look for in order to be ready.
Jesus does not give an exact time in answer to their question. That’s because no one knows the day or the
hour. He says this explicitly later in
the chapter. Since this is the case, we
should discount all those who attempt to make predictions. It’s a worthless task. Everyone who has done so has been wrong. They have proven themselves to be false
Jesus gives us no timetable, no calendar, no dates. But he does give us signs to look for.
False teachers will arise, directing our attention away from
Christ. Moreover, Jesus says that many
will come in his name saying “I am he.” The
text literally says, many will say “I am.”
“I AM” … that’s “Yahweh.” That’s
a name that God has reserved for himself.
If you hear anyone making claims like this, or claiming that you have
the divine spark within you and must affirm your own divine nature and release
the power of your faith by saying “I am,” then run as fast as you can away from
them. These are some of the very people
of whom Jesus warns us.
Jesus also says there will be wars and rumors of wars. Earthquakes in various places. Famines.
Families torn apart. Persecution
of the saints. The Gospel preached to
all nations. All of these things have
been happening since the day of Pentecost after the resurrection and ascension
of Jesus. These have been indicators to
the saints of all ages to be ready. They
are indicators for us today. Each new
day could be the Last Day finally at hand.
“These are but the beginning of the birth pains,” Jesus
says. This is bad news … but it’s also
good news. When a pregnant woman starts
feeling contractions, it means there’s more to come. It means there’s more pain to come. Giving birth is a painful process (how’s that
for another “No duh” statement?). But
when the birth process is completed, all that pain fades into the background. Mother holds her newborn child. There is only joy and wonder over the gift of
new life.
Likewise, Jesus does seem to say that things will get worse
before they get better. Daniel says so,
too: “there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was
a nation till that time” (Dan. 12:1) But
he also promises the help of Michael, the archangel, entrusted with the special
duty of watching over the Church. And
finally, the pain of living in this sinful, broken, fallen world will give way
to the joy of the resurrection and everlasting life.
So Jesus calls you to endure to the end: “the one who
endures to the end will be saved.”
Endure in faith to the end of your life here on earth. Endure in faith to the end if you happen to
be alive when Jesus returns.
At times, it may be tempting to give it all up. Perhaps you’ve already thought that it would
be much easier not to be a Christian. You
can do what you want, when you want, with no eternal repercussions. Religious discussions with your friends won’t
divide you any longer. You can just eat,
drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you die.
But this would be living a lie. Jesus WILL return to judge the living and the
dead. So hang in there. Fight the good fight. Cling to your Savior in faith. Endure.
And you can do this by remembering the One who endured to the end for
Jesus is the great I AM who became flesh for you to be your
Jesus was delivered over to the council and was beaten and
Jesus stood before Governor Pilate and bore witness about
himself as King of a kingdom not of this world.
Jesus’ own disciples turned their backs on him in his
darkest hour.
Jesus’ own Father delivered him into death in order that the
price for sin would be paid in full. But
Jesus endured to the end and declared, “It is finished.”
The judgment over your sin was laid upon Jesus at the cross. You are rescued from the coming judgment. You are forgiven and free. Jesus conquered your enemies of sin, death,
and the devil when he rose again on the Third Day.
Your Old Adam endured the birth pains of Holy Baptism. There in those waters, he was drowned and
killed. But like a newborn baby fresh
from the womb, you were joyfully raised up from the waters of Baptism as a new
creation in Christ. You rose again from
the waters of baptism. You will rise
again on the Last Day.
So what does “enduring to the end” look like? It’s quite simple. It’s simply the Christian life. United to Jesus in Baptism. Confessing your sins. Hearing the Gospel and believing it for
yourself. Eating and drinking the body
and blood of Jesus. Not forsaking the
assembling of yourselves together. Encouraging
one another to love and good works done in the name of Christ, and all the more
as you see that this world in its present form is indeed passing away and the
Lord’s return is near (Heb. 10:25; 1 Cor. 7:31). In this way, you can be confident that your
name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Dan. 12:1). You can be confident to enter the holy places
of heaven by the blood of Jesus, the once for all … the once FOR YOU …
sacrifice for sins (Heb. 10:19).
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